Joshua Daniel Pacheco, 17 of Miami, was charged with possession of a firearms and ammunition by a convicted felon, attempted tampering with physical evidence and grand theft of a firearm in the third degree.
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FL – The Miami-Dade Police Department, Northside District is investigating a no-contact police involved shooting during the execution of a search warrant. According to investigators, the Special Response Team (SRT) was executing a search warrant at a residence near the NW 2200 block and NW 48 Street in Miami as part of an ongoing firearms investigation. Once the officers gained entry into the residence, they were confronted by an armed subject, later identified as Joshua Daniel Pacheco, 17 of Miami, and shots were fired.
Pacheco then ran up to the second floor and barricaded himself. There were several people inside and they were escorted out as officers maintained communication with Pacheco. According to charging affidavits, Pacheco jumped out a second story window and through his weapon, a black 9mm GLOCK 43X, which was recovered. SRT team members also found an extended magazine inserted containing 16 9mm rounds. SRT were able to convince Pacheco to surrender and he was placed under arrest. Upon further investigation, it was determined that the subject was on probation for gun related charges. A firearm was recovered and no injuries were reported. The subject was arrested and charged accordingly.
Pacheco was ultimately charged with possession of a firearms and ammunition by a convicted felon, attempted tampering with physical evidence and grand theft of a firearm in the third degree.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers (305) 471-TIPS (8477) or (866) 471-8477 visit and select Give a Tip.
UPDATE NOVEMBER 5, 2021, 2:43 PM: Investigators have released a photo of the rifle recovered during the residential search and the handgun that Joshua Daniel Pacheco possessed at the time of the incident.
Investigators have released a photo of the rifle recovered during the residential search. Photo: Miami-Dade Police Department Also released was a photo of the handgun that Joshua Daniel Pacheco possessed at the time of the incident. Photo: Miami-Dade Police Department
Wenn jeder von diesem Rezept weiß, werden dem Laden die Hühnerherzen ausgehen. Es ist nur ein Geschenk des Himmels. Es ist besser, dieses Gericht zu kochen und Ihre Lieben mit saftigen und leckeren Herzen zu erfreuen. Sie werden Hühnerherzen auf jeden Fall lieben, auch wenn Sie sie vorher nicht mochten. Niemand kann erraten, woraus die Koteletts bestehen. Kochen Sie mit Freude! Mit Liebe kochen!Die Hauptsache ist, mit Freude zu kochen.
Hühnerherzen 700 g.
Sojasauce 5 EL
Zitronensaft 1 Esslöffel
Pflanzenöl 2 Esslöffel
Honig 1 TL
Paprika 1/2 TL
Getrockneter Knoblauch 1/2 TL
Schwarzer Pfeffer 1/2 TL
Salz 1/4 TL
30-40 Minuten marinieren.
Ei 2 Stk.
4 Minuten auf jeder Seite braten.
Zwiebel 1 Stk.
Champignons 200gr.
Reis 150g.
Wasser 300ml.
25 Minuten zugedeckt köcheln lassen.
Bevor Flüssigkeit verdunstet.
Guten Appetit!
Es ist besser, dieses Gericht zu kochen und Ihre Lieben mit saftigen und leckeren Herzen zu erfreuen. Frieden und Liebe.
#schnelleKüche #schnelle_Küche #schnelleKücheRezept
QCOSTARICA – Are we in Costa Rica facing a new wave of covid-19 infections? Could be, says Juan José Romero, epidemiologist from the Universidad Nacional (UNA) – National University of Costa rica
It is urgent that the largest number of people are vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. Photo: Rafael Pacheco.
The small decrease in cases in the last week and the increase in deaths and hospitalizations could be the signs, explained the epidemiologist, who added that it is urgent that we all become aware of the danger posed by the delta variant of the coronavirus, which is already circulating in the country and is as contagious as chickenpox (varicela in Spanish).
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The data that the Ministry of Health published this Tuesday are revealing: In epidemiological week 30 (from July 25 to 31), 8,449 cases of covid-19 were detected, while in week 29 (from July 18 to 24) there were 8,684 (235 fewer in the most recent week).
As for deaths, the figures reveal that in epidemiological week 29 there were 69, while in week 30 there were 93.
On average there were 13 people who lost their lives due to the virus in the past week, compared to less than 10 the week prior.
As to hospitalizations, on Thursday the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS), reported 851 people in hospital, of which 380 are in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), both numbers above the capacity of the Caja to provide optimal care.
“The issue of infections is not so reliable, many people who have the disease stay at home risking it even if it is not ideal, that can give a false feeling that there are fewer infections when in reality it is not such,” explained the expert.
The delta variant has caused outbreaks in different countries because it is more easily spread. Photo: AFP.
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“Deaths and hospitalizations are real and objective numbers and the fact that they have increased gives a very clear signal that things are not going well. This data tells us that we could be on the verge of a new covid-19 outbreak, ″ said the specialist.
Romero reminds us that the delta variant is more “discreet” than the previous ones and that the most common symptoms – headaches, sore throats, body aches and joints – can be mistaken for the onset of the flu.
“At this point in the pandemic, people cannot risk the chance of feeling these symptoms and stay at home thinking that it can be treated with acetaminophen. The best thing is that you go to the Ebáis clinic that corresponds to you or the hospital and say that you have symptoms of covid, especially if they know that you had exposure or contact with someone infected,” recommends the epidemiologist.
“You have to take into account that with this variant the step from being fine to getting worse is much faster, so you don’t have to be strong, if people start to have a stupid cough or they start to feel short of breath, they should run to a medical center because if you wait you may not get there in time (to treat it). That could be one of the reasons more people are dying,” he said.
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The expert says that it is essential, now more than ever, to apply the sanitary protocols of handwashing, the use of a mask, and maintain social distancing between bubbles and reminds us that the delta variant is causing very great damage in countries such as France, Spain, England, and the United States, where they already thought they were on the way out of the pandemic, which in the world has caused more than 4 million deaths.
And not to mention China, where millions of people have been confined again and are doing massive tests because of the same strain.
“We must bear in mind that delta is causing outbreaks in countries where a large part of the population already has two doses of the vaccine. Now, in countries like Spain, it is said that about 85 or 90 of every 100 hospitalized people have not been vaccinated, which means that those who already have been vaccinated run a lower risk of becoming seriously ill if they become infected with the virus,” explained Romero.
In the case of China, what has been reported is that, apparently, the fact that already vaccinated people have been infected would reveal that the vaccine produced by that country is not as effective as the others.
Herd immunity is urgent
The best thing we can all do – in addition to not lowering our guard – is to find a way to get vaccinated to achieve herd immunity as soon as possible.
This Tuesday the CCSS reported through a statement that so far 3,424,278 doses of the coronavirus vaccine have been applied, of which 2,573,189 (49.84% of the population) have received the first dose and 851,089 people (16.48% of the population) already have the complete scheme with two doses.
In the fight against the virus, it is also essential to put aside the false feeling that by having received a vaccine you are already immune, since not even with both you are safe from the virus.
“We must be responsible with ourselves and with our families, if so far we are not complying with the protocols as it should be, it is time to do so, the pandemic is not over,” says Romero.
In Costa Rica, there are already 5,108 families mourning the death of a loved one due to the coronavirus.
Sabe aquele prato gostoso que a gente não consegue parar de comer? É esse aqui! Confira a receita incrível de Bife de Lombo Suíno Swift com Molho de Cogumelos e Espinafre, que trouxemos pra você! O Bife de Lombo Suíno Swift é uma carne com pouca gordura e muito sabor. Já vem cortado em bifes, trazendo mais praticidade para o seu dia a dia! Dê o play no vídeo, curta e faça em casa. Todo mundo vai amar!
– 4 unidades de Bife de Lombo Swift
– 1 colher (sopa) de azeite
– 1 colher (sopa) de Lemon & Pepper Swift
– Sal a gosto
– 1 colher (sopa) de manteiga
– 1 xícara (chá) de cogumelo shimeji
– 1 xícara (chá) de cogumelo shitake fatiado
– 1 colher (sopa) de Alho Picado Swift
– 2 xícaras (chá) de creme de leite fresco
– 2 xícaras (chá) de espinafre
1. Aqueça o azeite em uma frigideira média em fogo alto. Em seguida, disponha os bifes de lombo. Tempere enquanto grelha com sal e lemon & pepper a gosto.
2. Deixe dourar em fogo alto por 3 minutos de cada lado. Retire da frigideira e reserve.
3. Na mesma frigideira, adicione, agora em fogo médio, os cogumelos e a manteiga. Deixe dourar bem por aproximadamente 5 minutos.
4. Junte o alho e refogue por mais 5 minutos.
5. Acrescente o creme de leite fresco e mexa para formar um creme uniforme.
6. Coloque o espinafre e mexa até as folhas de espinafre murcharem.
7. Acerte o sal, se necessário, e junte o creme aos bifes reservados e sirva quente.
Dica: sirva o prato quente com arroz branco ou, se preferir, com penne na manteiga
Rendimento: 4 porções
Tempo de Preparo: 50 minutos
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The single, whose name means catastrophe in Palestinian Arabic, is now available on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, YouTube Music and Google Play Music, among others.
French-Chilean band Ajimsa premieres “Nakba”, the second single from their fourth studio album.
With an eclectic mix of Eastern and Latin American sounds, added to the sweetness and intensity of the vocals, the title of the song “Nakba” speaks of the moment when the State of Israel was created on 14 May 1948 and which marked the beginning of the massive displacement of the Palestinian people from their land. The lyrics are a denunciation of the atrocities that have occurred against this people from that date to the present day.
About the origin of this one, the band comments “at the beginning of 2021, in the middle of writing our new album, we heard the news of a savage bombing by Israel on Palestine, residential buildings completely destroyed with the murder of countless families, with children, women and old people inside: definitely an apocalyptic image. This horrifying fact undoubtedly led us to create a song denouncing this terrible genocide, which continues to occur with impunity and under the approval of the international community”.
The single, whose lyrics are in French, was recorded by Adolfo Rodríguez and Juan Pablo Quezada, and mixed and mastered by the latter at Santuario Sónico Studios. Rodrigo Latorre was in charge of the arrangements. It is worth mentioning the special participation of Violeta Mura on cello and Magdalena Pacheco on bodhran and derbuka.
With 5 years of experience, the quintet based in Santiago de Chile is made up of its 2 founders, the French Julie Gaye (vocals, keyboards and accordion) and Cristian Torres (guitars). They are joined by Paloma Rivera (outstanding violinist), David Briceño (bassist of Kalimarimba), as well as the former member of La Mano Ajena, Samuel Álvarez (drummer).
O nosso Brasil é tão rico gastronomicamente que temos pratos típicos em cada cidade ou estado. Para explorar toda essa cultura e tradição ao redor da mesa, decidimos criar um quadro com 5 pratos que já são ancestrais em muitos cantos do país.
Neste segundo episódio, ensinamos como fazer uma Galinhada completa!
– 1 frango à passarinho Swift
– 3 copos de arroz
– 6 colheres (sopa) de cebola picada Swift
– 2 colheres (sopa) de alho picado Swift
– 5 galhos de salsinha e de manjericão amarrados juntos
– Mix de pimentas Swift à gosto
– Óleo de milho
– Sal fino à gosto
– Cebolinha verde picada à gosto
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➡ Acompanhe a Swift nas redes sociais:
Five boxers representing State of Fitness Boxing Club in North Bergen will be in action this Friday, April 29 on an amateur boxing show in Boonton.
Jair Calixto, Josh Vivar, Gianmarco Marin, Emmanuel Martinez and Tommy Gutierrez are all set to box at the Boonton Elks Lodge in separate bouts. The show is presented by Aces Boxing Club.
Calixto, a 16-year-old junior at North Bergen High School, will face 17-year-old Israel Alvarado in a 125-pound matchup. Calixto sports a 2-0 record, and is coming off a thrilling win over Jay Calixto last month at another show in Boonton. His opponent is from Steelton, Pa., and has a record of 4-1.
Vivar, 15, is looking to register his first victory when he takes on 14-year-old Miguel Banegas Lopez in a 132-pound bout. Vivar, also a student at North Bergen High, made his ring debut last year and is looking to display his rapidly improving skills.
Marin will be fighting for the second time in a month when he faces Jacob Lafaix.
Both Martinez and Gutierrez will be making their amateur debuts. Martinez, 27, will face the more experienced Anthony Chaparro. Gutierrez, 15, will face the 16-year-old Ahmed Ouedraogo, who is also competing in his first amateur bout.
Vivar, Marin, Martinez and Gutierrez are all trained by coach Mike Pacheco, while Calixto is trained by his uncle Eric Rosas.
State of Fitness, located at 508 73rd Street in North Bergen, opened in 2016 and is owned by Desmond Boyle, senior firefighter at the North Hudson Regional Fire Department. The gym has developed numerous amateur champions from tournaments such as the Golden Gloves, Diamond Gloves and Battle on the Beach.
The Elks Lodge is located at 125 Cornelia St. in Boonton. Tickets cost $40 each and are available at the door. First bout is set to begin at 8 p.m.
For updates on this and other stories, check and follow us on Twitter @hudson_reporter. Daniel Israel can be reached at [email protected].
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